Gym Makeover

Three videos to help improve your systems and grow your gym business.

To Improve Your Systems, Get More Clients, and Make More Money

Watch each of these videos!

The Key systems you need to break free
The FIVE KEYS to Great Marketing
Build a scalable high profit training product

Are you asking yourself these questions?

As the business owner you need to work ON your business more than you work IN it!

How can I stop doing everything so I can work on the business to make it grow?

How can I create simple marketing that attracts the right clients

Why isn't my gym making more money?

Overcome these obstacles and more when you get FREE access
To the 5-Minute Gym Makeover Series.

How much is a lack of clarity, bad marketing, and an inefficient training product costing you?!

How many sales have you lost and how much money did you leave on the table?

You will have CLARITY on what items you need to take ACTION, how to IMPROVE your marketing, and how to MAXIMIZE the ROI on your product after you IMPLEMENT what you learn.

As seen in

Joe Riggio

Your Guide

The 5 Minute Gym Makeover is taught by Joe Riggio, Co-Founder | President of Business of Strength. He is the original founder of Varsity House Gym, a world leader in health & human performance. Their HQ in Orangeburg NY is one of the top gym businesses in the country. He has consulted with hundreds of gyms to help them improve their systems, marketing, and employee development. Joe teaches live workshops in which over one-hundred gyms have clarified their processes to create better business, employees, and marketing.

You can learn more about the Business of Strength Two-Day Workshop

Fill Out the Form below to get access!

Take Advantage of this offer AND TAKE OWNERSHIP OF YOUR BUSINESS now

There are over 500,000 personal trainers, strength coaches, and gym owners in the United States alone. The average coach and gym owner makes roughly $42,000/year. Not a career that is very sustainable. To make matters worse, 20% of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% of small businesses fail in their second year, 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business, 70% of small business owners fail in their 10th year in business.

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